
European Tour - May 2024

Flores Negras have been invited to the International Tango Festival of Chiclana de la Frontera, in the Cádiz province of Spain. The event will take place May 23rd to May 26th, and they will perform on Friday, May 24th at the Teatro Moderno, representing Argentina.

Tour dates
» MAY 18th
Matrix Rotterdam Theater – Rotterdam, Netherlands

» MAY 19th
Private concert at Tervuren - Brussels, Belgium

» MAY 21st
Artbase - Brussels, Belgium

» MAY 24th
Moderna Theater - International Tango Festival of Chiclana de la Frontera - Chiclana de la Frontera, Cádiz Province, Spain
C. Nueva, 20

» MAY 26th
Sala El Cachorro - Sevilla, Spain
C. Procurador, 19

» MAY 27th
De Modestia Na - Madrid, Spain
Plaza de la Ciudad de Salta 1

» MAY 29th
Casa dels Contes - Barcelona, Spain
Carrer de Ramón y Cajal, 35

» MAY 30th
Iglesia de Sant Medir - Barcelona, Spain
C. Constitució, 17 08014
Tickets at the door

» MAY 31st
Valdebernardo Cultural Center - Madrid, Spain
Bulevar Indalecio Prieto, 21
Tickets at the door

» JUNE 1st
San Juan Bautista Cultural Center - Madrid, Spain
C. San Nemesio, 4, Cdad. Lineal, 28043
Tickets at the door

Raúl Kiokio will be accompanying them on guitar once again for this tour.

TANGO DANZA MAGAZINE - Tangodanza, the biggest Argentinian tango magazine in Europe.
Online purchase and delivery:

The new year begins with the launch of their latest single, “Balada para un Loco”, by Astor Piazzolla and Horacio Ferrer, in all digital platforms.

"Balada para un Loco" on Spotify

Along with the single comes their new music video, with the sound and image of their new formation:

"Balada para un Loco" on Youtube

Flores Negras, Cuatro Voces en Tango continues presenting their latest album, Maldito Tango, as well as a well-stocked repertoire by Ástor Piazzolla, which will be in their new record, “Piazzolla en Flor”, to be recorded later this year.

Find it here:👇
Maldito Tango on Spotify

Upcoming shows

» SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 7 p.m.
Cuatro Elementos, espacio teatral
Alberti 2746, Mar del Plata
Descuento for retirees
Tickets through Alternativa Teatral
Ph: 2236861557


In 1996, these four women came together and decided to call themselves Flores Negras, a name inspired by Francisco De Caro's tango. By reaffirming the woman's place as interpreter of tangos, they opened a seldom walked road in the country.

They began developing their proposal in several stages in Buenos Aires and the rest of the country, while also carrying their sound to Uruguay, Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, France, Belgium and Germany in their international journey.

Cecilia Bonardi, Laura Esses, Alejandra Cañoni and Florencia García Casabal, with arrangements by Oscar Laiguera, Diego Vila, Manu Navarro and Mario Estebanre, create a repertoire which ranges from the most traditional proposals to current urban music. Tangos, waltzes, milongas and candombes like “Che, bandoneón”, “Libertango”, “Oro y plata”, “Milonga de la Anunciación” and “Gota de lluvia” can be found, among others in this repertoire. The authors and composers are also diverse, like Ángel Villoldo and Astor Piazzolla or Discépolo, Manzi and Ferrer.

Symbolic figures in traditional tango, such as Ben Molar and Horacio Ferrer, had only words of praise for the group. To those recognitions, we can add that of maestro Rubén Juarez, who honored them by artistically sponsoring them in their first CD, Flores Negras, Cuatro Voces en Tango, which was edited in 1999.

The path they've walked since that inaugural moment was nourished by changes in the initial group members, by developmental times of personal projects that later contributed to the interpretative maturity of the quartet, by the enrichment with new arrangements and by musicians who went through every stage with them. Thanks to all of this, in Maldito Tango they find a conceptual and sound combination that was presented in November of 2020 via streaming, due to the COVID restrictions, from the cozy Bar Virasoro.

Throughout 2022, Flores Negras resumed the in-person launching of their record, in the city of Buenos Aires and the rest of the country. The inaugural date was March 12th, at the emblematic Taconeando in San Telmo, with the unexpected presence of Amelita Baltar, who spontaneously went on stage to share the closing song: Balada para un Loco.

Horacio Ferrer defined them as "one of the most refined groups in current tango". His words are held with much pride.

Their "Libertango" video was selected by the Argentinian Chancellor's office, and spread throughout Argentinian embassies around the world for the 100th anniversary of Astor Piazzolla's birth.

Libertango video


Born in Buenos Aires in a family in which music was the highlight among the ordinary, she found her place in piano and singing. Theater came later, a captivating environment that, to this day, continues to help her self exploration. She was in choirs in her school times. In the beginning of her professional singing days, she was part of the vocal group Pirámide (1981/87), in which she performed a jazz-rock repertoire and played in pubs that, at the time, were all over the city. They were invited by Lerner to the concert "Todo a pulmón" at Estadio Obras. With her own group, Pulso Ciudadano (2008-18), she found her musical and poetic language. Her records "Pulso Ciudadano", "Matisses" and "Juglaría porteña" were released, and she performed in renowned stages and festivals both in her country and abroad (Spain, Finland, Germany and Uruguay). But it was Flores Negras, in 1996, that left a footprint for her as a singer by defining her switch to rioplatense music. For her fellow group mates, she is Ceciya (as well as several other nicknames that she prefers -jokingly- not to share). Since 2009, she's been a jury of the Gardel Awards.

Born in the city of choir singing, La Plata, she's been surrounded by singing voices since she was a child. Musically, she trained by singing alongside her family and in choirs up until adolescence. Music therapy, Psychomotricity and vocal coaching marked her professional path, articulating art, education and health, areas that she currently researches and transmits. Surrounded by great masters of literature, music and theater, she managed to capture her poetic and creative outlook in her own songs, by releasing her first record, "Constitución", in 2009. Her life journey made her settle in the Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, and, ever since, she's found herself in the urban rioplatense chords, rhythms and melodies. Alongside Oscar Laiguera, she founded Flores Negras in 1996, and, since then, she's walked along her group mates through the paths of this vocal quartet.

Born in Buenos Aires in 1966, she's a true Porteña and native to the sensitive neighbourhood of Flores, she started in music as soon as she started walking. In her youth, having started to study in the Conservatory and besides maestro N. Zafodd, she was led to one of the most essential experiences in her musical life: the National Youth Choir, in which she went down an extensive scenery of Argentina's geography, and where she also grasped the accuracy and excellence of the expression. Along with the choir "Cántico a Capella" -in charge of maestro Eduardo García Novelli- she was part of the film "La peste" directed by Luis Puenzo. She sang jazz; played four characters through Argentinian Sign Language in a version of "Dracula" for a deaf and hearing audience; played Devorah in "Compasión Devoradora, Trío Juglaresco Alternativo"; created, selected the repertoire and starred in "La Trastornada", written and directed by Ariel Gurevich at Teatro de La Comedia de La Plata, CC25 de Mayo, CC Ricardo Rojas, Fundación Sagai, etc. In 1996, she joined Flores Negras, where she's been catalogued from day one as "the grave one". We still don't fully know what they mean by this. Currently, she continues her training as an interpreter with maestro Diego Vila, and with Gaby Murúa as her vocal coach.

Porteña in her soul, but with part of her heart in "La Feliz", she made it to adulthood with an ideal balance: feet in the ground and wings spread free. Always nurtured by her love of music. That's how she lives, spreading in her different careers, which are her passions: singer and interpreter of Argentinian and Latinamerican popular music, speech therapist, National music teacher, and vocal coach for scenic artists. Her wings lit the city of Buenos Aires, guiding her to stages in all of South America. She performed with the National Orchestra of Popular Music "Juan de Dios Filiberto", and with the Orchestra of Popular Music of the University of Buenos Aires. She has shared stages with great people, such as Oscar Cardozo Ocampo, Jairo, Teresa Parodi, Eladia Blázquez, Horacio Molina, Julia Zenko, Chango Farías Gómez, César Angeleri, Cristian Zárate, Pablo Agri, and many more. She recorded several record productions: "De Amores y Lunas" —presented at the International Tango Festival of Granada, Spain, in 2018—, "De a uno y de a dos", along with her father, Galo García. Both productions arranged and directed by Cristian Zárate and Cesar Angeleri. "Cuando pase el aguacero", as part of the poetic-musical show streamed and recorded during the pandemic, "Florencia García Tango", and two singles in collaboration with Luciana Corral: "Tonada para dos tristezas" and "Coplas a la luna llena". In 2023, Flores Negras, Cuatro Voces en Tango renewed their formation, and she joins as a first soprano. A flower is born.

Guitar player, composer, musical arranger, a "Porteño" by heart. At the age of 5, his dad taught him his first tango on guitar. After that came the rest of the music, but the seed was already planted. He was part of the following groups: Julián Plaza, Osvaldo Berlinghieri, José Colángelo, Orlando Trípodi, Emilio Balcarce, Walter Ríos, Ernesto Baffa, Atilio Stampone, Pascual Mamone, Omar Valente, Orquesta del Tango de Bs. As. (Dir. N. Marconi, R. Garello, J.C. Cuacci), Orquesta Nacional Juan de Dios Filiberto. He accompanied great people from the genre: Roberto Goyeneche, Rubén Juárez, María Graña, Roberto Rufino, Raúl Lavié, Virginia Luque, etc. He played guitar for the Quintet of the Piazzolla Foundation along Julio Bocca in Madrid on tour accross Italy. He was the musical director for the show “Tango Venus” (Japan). He authored and composed “Tango Varón”, a song that also named Sandra Luna's CD which was nominated to the International Grammy Awards in the “World Music” category. He edited the record “Tango Marginal” with works of his own, with guests like Julián Plaza, Osvaldo Berlinghieri, Quintino Cinalli, among others. He participated in several seasons of "Guitarras del Mundo" as a soloist. He was awarded the "Premio Fondo Nacional de las Artes" for his new CD: “Guitarra Tango”. He played in Moscow along the Russian State Symphony Orchestra in the Rostropovich Festival (2021). He plays guitar for the vocal quartet "Flores Negras, Cuatro Voces en Tango". He's a member of the exam board for new composers at SADAIC.



    European tour, Marzo 2023
  • 35° International Tango Festival in Granada, Spain
  • Cultural Café El Cachorro - Sevilla, Spain
  • Cervantes de Petrer Theater – Alicante, Spain
  • Educational concert in Casa Argentina in Paris: "The voice in tango interpretation. An experience with vocal harmony and resources for interpreting the genre." – Paris, France
  • Maison de l´Amerique Latine – Paris, France
  • Art Base – Brussels, Belgium
  • Concert at the residence of the Argentinian Ambassador in Brussels, Belgium
  • Haus der Sinne – Berlin, Germany
  • Guest musician for the tour: Raúl Kiokio in the guitar
  • Concert in the city of Madrid at La Casa de los Artistas, Madrid, Spain (2014)
  • 26° Festival Internacional de Tango in Granada, at Teatro Isabel La Católica and in the city of Loja
  • Zango Festival in the city of Haarlem, Netherlands (2012)
  • 11º Festival Internacional de Tango in Granada, Spain (1999)
  • 4ª Cumbre Mundial de Tango in Lisboa, Portugal (1998)
  • "Viva el Tango" festival in Montevideo, performing only Piazzolla songs in tribute to the composer, sponsored by Fundación Astor Piazzolla (1997).

In Argentina

  • Café Berlín (May 2024)
  • Clásica y Moderna (April 2024)
  • Colegio de Abogados of Junín (March 2024)
  • Taconeando (February 2024)
  • Club Social Cambalache (December 2023)
  • Teatro Argentino of La Plata (October 2023)
  • Teatro de Cámara of City Bell (September 2023)
  • Club Social Cambalache (September 2023)
  • Café Berlín Buenos Aires (March 2023)
  • Taconeando (September 2022)
  • Mujeres por el Tango in Lomas de Zamora (August 2022)
  • Bebop Jazz Club (June 2022)
  • Teatro de cámara of City Bell (June 2022)
  • Colegio de Abogados of Junín (May 2022)
  • Pista Urbana (April 2022)
  • Taconeando (March 2022)
  • Invited to the TV show "Lito Vitale a la medianoche", live on TV pública, in a tribute to Astor Piazzolla (April 2021)
  • Presentation of new record via streaming from Virasoro (November 2020)
  • Circe, fábrica de arte (2019)
  • Bargoglio (2019)
  • Notorious (2019)
  • Ciclo Viernes at “El Gato Negro” (June/August 2018) (2019)
  • Notorious “Día Internacional de la Mujer” (March 8th, 2018)
  • Ciclo AAdi at Notorious (October 2017)
  • 7° Festival de Tango, Pehuajó (May 2017)
  • XIII Encuentro Nacional de Músicos, Rosario (August 2016)
  • Show at Auditorio de Radio Nacional, Ciclo Música Argentina y Latinoamericana, created and directed by Damián Sanchez (July 2016)
  • Cuarto Encuentro Cervantino de Grupos Vocales, Azul (November 2015)
  • Teatro de Cámara de City Bell (August 2015)
  • 3° Festival de Tango of Ranchos, Pcia de Buenos Aires (June 2015)
  • Circe, Fábrica de Arte and La Forja, shows backed by BAMUSICA (2015)
  • Celta Concert, Bar Notable of Buenos Aires (2014 and 2nd Saturday in each month during 2015 and 2016)
  • Ciudad Vieja in La Plata with Fulanas Trio (December 2014)
  • La Paila, Ciclo Mundo Vocal (August 2014)
  • Salta y Resto with Fulanas Trío (June 2014)
  • La Cumbre, Córdoba, show at “El Pungo”, symbolic place for shows in the city (February 2014)
  • Los 36 Billares, one of the Bares Notables of Buenos Aires (2013)
  • Festival Internacional de Tango de Buenos Aires, La Usina del Arte (2012)
  • La Botica del Ángel (2012/2013)
  • La Biblioteca café (2012)
  • Selected artists in Concurso para Los Bares Notables de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (2007)
  • Bar Tuñón (2007)
  • Centro Cultural Torquato Tasso (2007)
  • Guest artists for León Gieco and Víctor Heredia, Teatro Opera (1999)
  • Café Homero, presenting their CD with the participation of Rubén Juárez, having also been invited to his concerts (1999)
  • “Flores Negras, Cuatro Voces en Tango”, Teatro Margarita Xirgu (1998)
  • Encuentro Nacional de Tango, Teatro Cervantes (1998)
  • Café Tortoni, Plenarios de la Academia Nacional del Tango along with Horacio Ferrer (1998)
  • Centro Cultural Recoleta, Festival Internacional “Buenos Aires Tango” (1998)
  • Centro Cultural Gral. San Martín, as part of the show “Mujeres por Astor” (1997)

Dicen de nosotras

  • " recommend, with the highest artistic qualifications, the vocal group Flores Negras, one of the most refined ensambles in current tango"

    Horacio Ferrer, letter addressed to Fondo Nacional de las Artes
  • "Rubén Juárez performed with guests that were at his same level. Flores Negras, the solid quartet, starred in the first part of Rubén Juárez's excellent tango show, and left us wanting more."

    Ricardo Saltón, Ámbito Financiero
  • "Four voices to sing with various shades, in duets, quartets and solos, a wide range of tango repertoire, without any other limitation than the selective rigour in which music and poetry take flight... they put their passion and their voices for the magic to happen"

    Héctor Negro, Clarín
  • "The first all female vocal quartet that we can think of... brings a new sound and a new dimension for our everyday tango... their artistic strengthening is, today, much more than a promise"

    René Vargas Vera, La Nación
  • "Flores Negras handles a good range of climates and solo variations... and does it with precision and shades"

    Irene Amuchástegui, Clarín
  • "A balanced, musical quartet... they've chosen the path of originality without losing the authenticity of our urban folklore"

    Eduardo Giorello, El Día
  • "These four black flowers bloom with imagination, good taste and even irony, in a well-balanced repertoire"

    Julio Nudler, Tres Puntos magazine
  • "Like illusions of life... they walk their own individual path in music. They've managed to blend and offer an innovative sound from a select repertoire, which allows them to elevate the genre and be recognized in their country and abroad. Flores Negras are four voices in tango that invested in urban popular rhythms, and found something different in the music aesthetic"

    Raúl Vigini, La Palabra supplement in La Opinión newspaper – Rafaela
  • "In this second record... a repertoire of popular urban rhythms from different eras, selected with balance and performed by voices with a perfectly blended array of shades, These voices alternate their leadership to always keep the listener's attention on the arrangements in which originality, good taste and refinement are featured prominently."

    Fernando Marinelli, - Spain
  • “Vocal singing finds in "Maldito tango", the quartet's second record, a valuable contribution that, thanks to the interpretive talent of its members, manages to open up possibilities both for the style and for the genre.... Flores Negras manages to encapsulate the best of those expressive summarize an original, potent and inspiring aesthetic adventure... and build a new expressive channel for urban music.”

    Sergio Arboleya, Télam
  • “Exquisite work by this recommendable quartet, Flores Negras, vocal group that joins four talented singers. Maldito Tango is a musical encounter celebrated from beginning to end, by imagining and making us feel part of the complicity and enjoyment of these acclaimed singers.”

    Alejandro Simonazzi, Revuelto de Radio Podcast
  • "One of the best moments in the record is the a capella performance of another classic: Olvido. A very appealing work by this vocal formation.

    Ernesto García, El Amante/Cine Magazine
  • “A wonderful show by these women!!! Talent, charm!!! An evening to remember!!”

    Amelita Baltar
  • “I'm in awe... These are four women stirring the world of tango... a special and authentic group, one of a kind. With only a guitar as their companion, they dare to do songs by Piazzolla and Gardel, with unmatchable presence.”

    César Tamborini, Academia Virtual del Lunfardo y el Tango magazine
  • “Last, are Flores Negras, the all-female vocal quartet with a career path of 25 years. They are considered one of the most refined groups in present-day tango.”

    La Unión Newspaper


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